Huwebes, Setyembre 8, 2022

Voice-Controlled Thriller Unknown Number Release Date Revealed

We now have an Unknown Number release date. The innovative voice-controlled thriller is coming to Steam on September 21st, bringing with it the opportunity to convince, trick, and swear your way into resolving a heist taking place on an oil rig.

When is the Unknown Number release date?

Unknown Number is arriving on Steam on September 21st, so you’ve got until then to practice your best suave, smooth-talking negotiation voice. The game revolves around a fictional heist on an abandoned oil rig and takes place entirely through a single smartphone, via which you’ll make calls, browse the web, and use voice control to possibly save the world.

Of course, this isn’t the world’s first voice-compatible game. The Dreamcast oddity Seaman allowed you to communicate with the titular creature using a microphone, and even more recent games like Phasmophobia have voice integration. Still, a game entirely controlled through voice is a pretty intriguing prospect. If you want to see how it works, check out the new release date trailer below.

There will be plenty of juicy puzzles on offer in Unknown Number. You’ll be able to decode cryptic passwords, impersonate important people to gain access privileges you really shouldn’t have, and move your way around the titular oil rig entirely through voice control. The eventual goal is to help two eco-warriors nab $7 billion from an oil baron’s vault, which should be pretty satisfying if you manage to pull it off.

You’ll be able to pick up Unknown Number on PC via Steam when it launches on September 21st. There’s no word of the game coming to consoles yet, but given that the PS5’s controller has a built-in microphone, that platform seems to be a solid possibility, at least. If you’re a fan of smartphone thrillers like Simulacra or its sequel, then you’ll almost certainly want to check this one out. 

Voice-Controlled Thriller Unknown Number Release Date Revealed
Source: Pinay Guide Blog

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