Martes, Oktubre 25, 2022

Gotham Knights Mod Lets You Become The Batman

Who doesn’t want to become Batman? Maybe a lot of people, but those who do can now live out their dreams with the newest Gotham Knights mod, where you can replace Nightwing’s base suit with Batman’s.

Nightwing starts off with the OG black and blue suit, but for some players that just isn’t enough. The latest mod called Batman Reborn replaces Nightwing’s first gear set in-game with Batman’s iconic gear, allowing players to really feel as though they are now the superhero of the game. The suit does not come with the cape that we know and love, but the creator of the mod says they will try to add that in with an update down the line. 

The creator of the mod does mention they are currently unsure if players are able to unlock the Batman gear set through the storyline, so rather than wait and find out, they created the suit themselves. The creator also says that they thoroughly enjoy the idea of Dick Grayson taking on the life of Batman when Bruce dies, so they decided to take the outfit from the files of the game and make the suit their own to keep. Might as well snag the mod on the PC version anyway, since the game apparently runs quite poorly via console, and it’s not coming to PlayStation 4 or Xbox One consoles either. 

Batman suit mod where the player is performing a backward leg grab in midair as nightwing with the suit mod on

There are some known issues that come along with this Batman Reborn mod, but thankfully, they don’t appear to be too big of a deal. The player’s face or hair may become invisible when using other masks, but the creator says that restarting the game seems to fix that issue. They do plan on fixing this minor bug with an update in the next few days. Regardless of the minor bug, the mod seems pretty cool; after all, some people really go for the cosmetics available in games. Since we are unsure if this outfit has the ability to be unlocked by Nightwing, it’s nice to have the option to become the not-so-caped Crusader. 

Gotham Knights Mod Lets You Become The Batman
Source: Pinay Guide Blog

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