Martes, Marso 21, 2023

Tchia Maano Camps & Meavora Statues Guide

Tchia is a largely conflict free experience, and doesn’t have nearly as many methods for enacting violence or carnage on its world that other titles do. The one area where this isn’t the case is its Maano Camps and Meavora statues, which the titular protagonist must destroy through means of explosives and incendiary objects. This is all well and good, but due to the game’s more peaceful leanings, you may be unclear on how to enact such destruction on these symbols of the game’s antagonists. That’s why we’ve created this Tchia Maano Camps and Meavora Statues guide to provide you with some assistance.

Tip: We’ve got guides for all of the collectibles in Tchia, as well as Maano Camps, and how to get all of the cosmetics for 100% completion. If you’re curious if the game is something you’ll enjoy, check out our Tchia Review!

Tchia Maano Camps Key Art Showing Tchia Throwing Lantern Into Maano Camp to Destroy a Cloth Pile
The Maano Camps in Tchia can be cleared using the incendiary and explosive objects scattered nearby.

How to Clear Maano Camps in Tchia

To start, it’s worth noting that clearing the Maano Camps in Tchia can be a multi-step process. This is because you’ll need to destroy not only the cloth soldiers stationed around them, but also the cloth piles and Sentries stationed at lookout points throughout the area.

Luckily, doing so isn’t quite as difficult as it sounds. As mentioned above, you’ll need to use incendiary and explosive objects to destroy all of them. One hit will do, and multiple targets can be caught in the blast created by hurling the objects into the close proximity of them. You can either toss these items manually by picking them up and throwing them in Tchia’s human form, or Soul Jump into them in order to hurl them from a safer distance via Soul Throw.

As for what kinds of objects count as incendiary or explosive, the most common examples are Lanterns and red Jerry Cans. They’ll usually be found scattered around camps so that you always have something to use against the enemies inhabiting them. The glowing green ore piled up in the more industrial camps will also work, and will serve as an infinite supply to draw from. It does have a timed explosion if it doesn’t make direct contact with a target though, and can detonate after they’re out of range as a result.

Another option are the Explosive Fruits you can spawn using the Ukulele, and so long as you’re willing to wait for its Soul Melody to cool down, they’re another example of a resource which is technically infinite. Finally, there are the burning logs found in the fire pits throughout the camps. These can damage Tchia if they’re picked up directly, so it’s best to Soul Jump into them and then either roll them into your targets or toss them via Soul Throw.

Tchia Key Art of Tchia Walking Away From Meavora Statue as it Explodes
Usually found in cities or near Maano Camps, Meavora statues can only be destroyed with Explosive Objects.

How to Destroy Meavora Statues in Tchia

Destroying the Meavora Statues in Tchia falls along the same line of logic, though you’ll need to do a bit more leg work.

This is because explosive objects are the only way to topple the Statues, and there are rarely any right next to them. As such, you’ll either need to spawn some using the Explosive Fruit Soul Melody or carry some on you by picking them up, holding R1, and then storing the object in one of your inventory slots.

Once you have an explosive object, either throw it at the statue in Tchia’s human form or possess it and then launch it at the Statue using a Soul Throw. This will cause a chain reaction, and the monument will slowly burst into pieces before being entirely destroyed.

That covers everything you need to know from our Tchia Maano Camps and Meavora Statues guide. Be sure to check out our other guides down below to ensure you have the best playthrough possible, and take a look at our full review of the game to see what we thought of the overall experience.

More Tchia Guides

Tchia Maano Camps & Meavora Statues Guide
Source: Pinay Guide Blog

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