Miyerkules, Oktubre 12, 2022

Stranded: Alien Dawn Research and Observations Guide

Advanced Research Desk 12h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Electronics
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Advanced Research Desk
    • (Science) 3 Electronics, 1 CPU Core, 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 20 Power
Antibiotics Production 12h
  • Find/produce Grain
  • Antibiotics
    • (Fermentation Barrel) 50 Grain > 5 Antibiotics
  • Wooden Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Wood
  • Scrap Metal Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Scrap Metal
Automated Turrets 5d
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Laser Turret
    • (Defense) 1 CPU Core, 50 Metal Alloys, Consumes 50 Power
  • Machine Gun Turret
    • (Defense) 1 CPU Core, 50 Metal Alloys, Consumes 40 Power
  • Missile Launcher Turret
    • (Defense) 1 CPU Core, 50 Metal Alloy, Consumes 30 Power
Brewing 12h
  • Find/produce Grain
  • Ale
    • (Fermentation Barrel) 100 Grain > 5 Ale
  • Wooden Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Wood
  • Scrap Metal Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Scrap Metal
Brick Rooms 12h
  • Research “Construction Basics”
  • Research “Metal Refinement”
  • Survivor with Construction 3
  • Bricks
    • (Furnace) 3 Hay > 5 Bricks
  • Brick Fence
    • (Defense) 3 Brick, Construction 3
  • Brick Fireplace
    • (Light & Heat) 10 Sticks, 30 Bricks
  • Brick Building Pieces
Carbon Rooms 12h
  • Research “Construction Basics”
  • Find/produce Carbon Nanotubes
  • Carbon Nanotube Buildings
Cereal Coffee 12h
  • Find/produce Grain
  • Coffee
    • (Campfire/Cook Stove) 20 Grain > 5 Coffee
Chemical Cloth Synthesis 4d
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Survivor with Intellect 4
  • Synthetic Textiles
    • (Workbench) 10 Liquid Fuel > 10 Synthetic Textiles
Concrete Rooms 1d
  • Research “Construction Basics”
  • Survivor with Construction 4
  • Concrete
    • (Workbench) 10 Stone > 10 Concrete
  • Concrete Buildings
Construction Basics 1d
  • Wood Buildings
  • Stone Buildings
  • Scrap Metal Buildings
CPU Assembly 3d
  • Research “Electronics Crafting”
  • Find/Produce CPU Cores
  • Survivor with Intellect 3
  • CPU Core
    • (Soldering Bench) 25 Silicon, 5 Metal Alloy > 1 CPU Core
Diesel Generators 6h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Diesel Generator
    • (Power) 20 Liquid Fuel, 10 Scrap Metal, Produces 50 Power
Distillation 12h
  • Find/produce Grain
  • Moonshine
    • (Distillery) 100 Grain > 5 Moonshine
  • Sweet Syrup
    • (Distillery) 20 Grain > 10 Sweet Syrup
  • Distillery
    • (Production) 10 Sticks, 20 Metal Alloys
Electric Grids 12h
  • Power Cell Generator
    • (Power) 1 Power Cell, 10 Scrap, Produces 100 Power
  • Heater
    • (Light & Heat) 5 Metal Alloys, Consumes 4 Power
  • Electric Cook Stove
    • (Production) 20 Metal Alloys, Consumes 10 Power
  • Ceiling Lamp
    • (Light & Heat) 3 Metal Alloys, Consumes 1 Power
  • Floodlight
    • (Light & Heat) 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 4 Power
  • El. Wall Lamp
    • (Light & Heat) 3 Metal Alloy, Consumes 1 Power
  • Wooden Power Pole
    • (Power) 10 Wood
  • Metal Power Pole
    • (Power) 15 Metal Alloys
  • Power Switch
    • (Power) 1 Electronics, 10 Metal Alloy
Electric Smelting 12h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Metal Alloys (Ore)
    • (Furnace / Electric Furnace) 10 Ore > 10 Metal Alloys
  • Metal Alloys (Scrap Metal)
    • (Furnace / Electric Furnace) 10 Scrap Metal > 10 Metal Alloys
  • Electric Furnace
    • (Production) 10 Stone, 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 30 Power
Electronics Crafting 2d
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Silicon
  • Electronics
    • (Soldering Workbench) 10 Silicon, 10 Metal Alloys
  • Soldering Workbench
    • (Production) 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 10 Power
Energy Storage 1d
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Electronics
  • Battery
    • (Power) 5 Electronics, 20 Metal Alloys
  • Low Battery Sensor
    • (power) 5 Electronics, 20 Metal Alloys
First Aid Kits 1d
  • Find/produce Bandages
  • Research “Antibiotics Production”
  • First Aid Kits
    • (Workbench) 1 Bandages, 1 Antibiotics > 2 First Aid Kits
Flamethrowers 12h
  • Find/produce Metal Alloys
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Flamethrower
    • (Defense) 10 Liquid Fuel, 20 Metal Alloys
Freezers 1d
  • Research “Refrigerators”
  • Find/produce Electronics
  • Freezer
    • (Storage) 2 Electronics, 40 Metal Alloy, Consumes 12 Power
Fuel Mixing 6h
  • Find/produce Oils & Fats
  • Liquid Fuel
    • (Workbench) 10 Vegetable Oil > 10 Liquid Fuel
Heat Pumping 2d
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Fan
    • (Light & Heat) 5 Metal Alloys, Consumes 4 Power
  • Air Conditioner
    • (Light & Heat) 1 CPU Core, 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 16 Power
Incendiary Traps 12h
  • Find/produce Metal Alloys
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Land Mine
    • (Defense) 10 Liquid Fuel, 5 Metal Alloys
Insect Fats 12h
  • Find/produce Raw Insect Meat
  • Find/produce Cloth
  • Animal Fats
    • (Oil Press) 20 Raw Insect Meat, 2 Cloth > 10 Animal Fats
  • Oil Press
    • (Production) 10 Wood
Laser Pikes 12h
  • Research “Weaponsmithing”
  • Find/produce Carbon Nanotubes
  • Find/produce Power cells
  • Survivor with Crafting 3, Intellect 5
  • Laser Pike
    • (Soldering Bench) 10 Carbon Nanotubes, 1 Power Cell > 1 Laser Pike
Laser Pistols 3d
  • Research “Weaponsmithing”
  • Research “Electronics Crafting”
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Find/produce Power Cells
  • Survivor with Crafting 3, Intellect 5
  • Laser Pistol
    • (Soldering Bench) 10 Metal Alloys, 1 Power Cell, 1 CPU Core > Laser Pistol
Leather Armor 1d
  • Research “Tailoring”
  • Find/produce Leather
  • Leather Helmet
    • (Tailor Bench) 20 Leather
  • Leather Vest
    • (Tailor Bench) 40 Leather
  • Leather Leggings
    • (Tailor Bench) 30 Leather
  • Leather Boots
    • (Tailor Bench) 20 Leather
Lightning Rods 3h
  • Lightning Rod
    • (Power) 10 Scrap Metal
Long Distance Travel 12h
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Hot-air Balloon
    • (Science) 20 Sticks, 10 Metal Alloys, 50 Cloth or Leather
  • Exploration
Metal Refinement 12h
  • Metal Alloys (Ore)
    • (Furnace or Electric Furnace) 10 Ore > 10 Metal Alloys
  • Metal Alloys (Scrap Metal)
    • (Furnace or Electric Furnace) 10 Scrap Metal > 10 Metal Alloys
  • Furnace
    • (Production) 10 Sticks, 20 Stone
Musical Instruments 1d
  • Find/produce Metal Alloys
  • Didgeridoo
    • (Furniture) 5 Wood, 5 Metal Alloys
  • Handpan
    • (Furniture) 10 Metal Alloys
Nanotubes Printing 7d
  • Research “Electronics Crafting”
  • Find/produce Metal Alloys
  • Find/produce Liquid Fuel
  • Survivor with Intellect 5
  • Carbon Nanotubes
    • (3D Printer) 20 Liquid Fuel, 10 Metal Alloys > 10 Carbon Nanotubes
  • 3D Printer
    • (Production) 5 Electronics, 2 CPU Cores, 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 20 Power
Oil Extraction 6h
  • Find/produce Grain
  • Vegetable Oil
    • (Oil Press) 20 Grain > 10 Vegetable Oil
  • Oil Press
    • (Production) 10 Wood
Orbital Radio 5d
  • Complete the “Peculiar Crash Site” Exploration Expedition 
  • Orbital Radio
    • (?) 1 CPU Cores, 50 Metal Alloys, Consumes 100 Power
  • Orbital Antenna
    • (?) 2 CPU Cores, 1 Power Cell, 50 Wood, 100 Metal Alloys, Consumes 50 Power
  • Landing Spot
    • Must be Placed on Very Strong Floors
Pickling 6h
  • Find/produce Vegetables
  • Pickled Vegetables
    • (Fermentation Barrel) 100 Vegetables > 50 Pickled Vegetables
  • Wooden Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Wood
  • Scrap Metal Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Scrap Metal
Power Cell Assembly 3d
  • Research “Electronics Crafting”
  • Find/produce Power Cells
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Survivor with Intellect 4
  • Power Cell
    • (Soldering Bench) 30 Metal Alloys, 2 CPU Cores > 1 Power Cell
Pulse Rifles 3d
  • Research “Weaponsmithing”
  • Research “Electronics Crafting”
  • Find/produce Power cells
  • Survivor with Crafting 2, Intellect 4
  • Pulse Rifle
    • (Soldering Bench) 10 Metal Alloys, 2 Power Cells > 1 Pulse Rifle
Railgun Snipers 12h
  • Research “Weaponsmithing”
  • Find/produce Carbon Nanotubes
  • Find/produce Power cells
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Railgun Sniper
    • (Soldering Bench) 10 Carbon Nanotubes, 1 Power Cell, 1 CPU Core > 1 Railgun Sniper
Refrigerators 1d
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Fridge
    • (Storage) 20 Metal Alloys, Consumes 8 Power
Sensor Devices 12h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce CPU Cores
  • Thermostat
    • (Light & Heat) 1 CPU Core, 10 Metal Alloys
  • Motion Sensor
    • (Defense) 1 CPU Core, 10 Metal Alloys, Consumes 6 Power
  • Day/Night Sensor
    • (Light & Heat) 1 CPU Core, 10 Metal Alloys
Solar Panels 6h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Electronics
  • Solar Panel
    • (Power) 2 Electronics, 10 Scrap Metal, Produces 20 Power
Spaceship Deconstruction 1d
  • Allows deconstruction and removal of spaceship debris
Synthetic Armor 2d
  • Research “Tailoring”
  • Find/produce Synthetic Textiles
  • Synthetic Helm
    • (Tailor Bench) 10 Synthetic Textiles, 10 Metal Alloys > 1 Synthetic Helm
  • Synthetic Vest
    • (Tailor Bench) 30 Synthetic Textiles, 10 Metal Alloys > 1 Synthetic Vest
  • Synthetic Leggings
    • (Tailor Bench) 20 Synthetic Textiles, 10 Metal Alloys > 1 Synthetic Leggings
  • Synthetic Boots
    • (Tailor Bench) 10 Synthetic Textiles, 10 Metal Alloys > 1 Synthetic Boots
Tailoring 12h
  • Wood Tailor Bench
    • (Production) 10 Wood
  • Metal Tailor Bench
    • (Production 10 Metal Alloys
  • Production of Clothes
Weaponsmithing 12h
  • Bow
    • (Workbench) 20 Sticks, 10 Cloth or Leather > 1 Bow
  • Crossbow
    • (Workbench) 10 Wood, 10 Metal Alloys > 1 Crossbow
  • Spear
    • (Workbench) 10 Wood, 10 Scrap Metal > 1 Spear
Wind Turbines 6h
  • Research “Electric Grids”
  • Find/produce Electronics
  • Wind Turbine
    • (Power) 1 Electronics, 25 Metal Alloys, Produces 40 Power
Winemaking 12h
  • Find/produce Bushfruits
  • Bushfruit Wine
    • (Fermentation Barrel) 100 Bushfruit > 5 Wine
  • Wooden Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Wood
  • Scrap Metal Fermentation Barrel
    • (Production) 25 Scrap Metal
Wooden Fortifications 1d
  • Wooden Fortification
    • (Defense) 10 Wood, Construction 2
  • Tower
    • (Defense) 50 Wood, Construction 2
  • Wooden Gate
    • (Defense) 50 Wood, Construction 2

Stranded: Alien Dawn Research and Observations Guide
Source: Pinay Guide Blog

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