Huwebes, Oktubre 13, 2022

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Guide

Our Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors guide will tell you about all of the game’s characters and the best Survivors to take with you!

How Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Work

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors are the people who have survived an unknown catastrophe in space that has caused their ship to break up. 1-4 Survivors crash land on the planet below and are forced to survive on a world that is simultaneously familiar and alien.

Each Survivor has their own Traits, Relationships, and Skills — and some Survivors cannot perform certain Skills at all. Additionally, each Survivor has preferences for certain relaxation activities or foods, either of which can give them a serious buff to Happiness.

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivor Skills, Explained

  • Combat – Affects targeting speed and chance to hit in combat.
  • Construction – Affects Construction speed and success. Higher Skill levels are required for advanced Buildings.
  • Cooking – Affects Cooking speed and success. Higher Skill levels are required for advanced Cooking Recipes.
  • Crafting – Affects Crafting speed and success. Higher Skill levels are required for advanced Crafting Recipes.
  • Farming – Affects Farming speed and success. Higher Skill levels are required to plant and successfully harvest advanced Crops.
  • Healing – Affects the ability to Heal themselves and other Survivors.
  • Intellect – Affects Researching speed.
  • Physical – Affects the speed at which the Survivor performs Scavenging, Mining, and Cutting. Higher Physical skill allows a Survivor to carry more items in a single trip.

Can You Find More Survivors in Stranded: Alien Dawn?

Yes, you can find more Survivors in Stranded: Alien Dawn. While you can only start with a maximum of four Survivors, it’s possible to randomly encounter other Survivors or to find them during Exploration Expeditions.

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Guide - List of Survivors

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors List

Name Sex /
Traits Relationships Comb. Constr. Cook Craft Farm Heal Int. Phys.
Anette F / 62
  • Calming – Tries to calm down others regardless of own opinion of them; has increased chance to succeed
  • Compassionate – Makes others happy by cheering them up
  • Slowpoke – Movement speed is decreased by 25%
  • Mother of Laara
0 (-) 0 3 (+) 1 (+) 1 0 1 0 (-)
Carter M / 70
  • Fast Learner – Learns skills twice as fast
  • Entertainment Junkie – Needs to relax twice as often, requires higher variety of entertainments
  • Father of Edmund
2 3 3 1 0 1 1 1
Connor M / 51
  • Sniper Eye – Shoots twice as fast with ranged weapons
  • Intimidating – Occasionally intimidates others, making them feel unease (Happiness debuff)
6 (+) 2 3 2 0 2 1 5
Daniel M / 65
  • Genius – Has occasional insights that boost the current Research progress
  • Pacifist – Will not fight or hunt in any circumstances
  • Brother of Talas
0 (x) 2 1 3 0 2 5 0
Edmund M / 45
  • Inspirational Writer – Relaxes by writing short stories that inspire others when read
  • Quick Sleeper -Rests twice as fast
  • Glutton – Gets hungry 25% quicker
  • Son of Carter
3 0 2 1 0 3 4 2
Emelin F / 35
  • Exquisite Cook – Makes even the simplest dishes taste exquisite
  • Cheerful Personality – Has permanently increased Happiness
3 0 5 (+) 1 3 1 1 2
Jayla / Layla F / 21
  • Split Personality – Occasionally switches Traits with an alter-ego “Layla”
  • Cheerful Personality – Has permanently increased Happiness
2 0 1 (-) 2 1 (+) 1 2 4
Greyson M / 51
  • Avid Carpenter – 4x work speed when Crafting or constructing stuff with Wood
  • Slowpoke – Movement speed is decreased by 25%
  • Husband of Vanessa
0 (-) 3 1 3 (+) 1 0 4 1
Hann M / 45
  • Master Hunter – Has 25% chance to deal kill shot while hunting prey (100% when the prey is unaware)
  • Entertainment Junkie – Needs to relax twice as often, requires higher variety of entertainments
1 0 1 (-) 0 2 0 2 0
Jack M / 55
  • Combat Instructor – Occasionally improves the Combat skill of others
7 2 2 1 (+) 0 2 3 5
Kana F / 25
  • Inspirational Writer – Relaxes by writing short stories that inspire others when read
  • Vegetarian – Refuses to eat meat
  • Half-sister of Ken
0 (-) 1 (+) 2 6 1 1 2 1
Katina F / 34
  • Light Eater – Gets hungry twice as slow
  • Impeccable Healer – Can’t fail a medical treatment
  • Sister of Krista
  • Sister of Paulette
0 0 2 1 1 (+) 6 3 0
Ken M / 20
  • Experienced Scavenger – Finds twice more Scrap Metal during Scavenge operations and Expeditions
  • Bloodlust – Gains Happiness when killing or observing death
  • Half-brother of Kana
  • Grandson of Yokko
7 (+) 1 0 1 (+) 0 3 2 4
Krista F / 26
  • Genius – Has occasional insights that boost the current Research progress
  • Clumsy – Will not do Crafting tasks; Movement speed is decreased by 10%
  • Sister of Katina
  • Sister of Paulette
0 1 2 0 (x) 3 0 7 0
Laara F / 36
  • Avid Farmer – Seeds and harvests plants twice as fast
  • Hardworking – Has 25% more Movement speed and Manipulation efficiency
  • Daughter of Anette
0 1 2 1 5 0 1 2
Maki F / 39
  • Natural Curiosity – Has chance to field Observe unknown species during Expeditions
  • Sleepy – Rests twice as slow
0 (-) 1 2 1 4 5 2 1
Naras M / 38
  • Liberated – Cannot experience Meltdowns or Euphoria
  • Pacifist – Will not fight or hunt in any circumstances
0 (x) 1 1 2 1 2 (+) 1 3
Nova F / 29
  • Liberated – Cannot experience Meltdowns or Euphoria
  • Obtuse – Will not do Research or Observation tasks
  • Cousin of Zander
6 0 1 2 0 5 0 (x) 4
Paulette F / 37
  • Neurotic Personality – Manipulation efficiency is increased by 50%
  • Sister of Katina
  • Sister of Krista
0 (-) 0 4 2 1 1 (+) 2 0
Quin M / 33
  • Explorer – Loves going on Expeditions; Expeditions take less time
  • Cheerful Personality – Has permanently increased Happiness
0 (-) 5 1 3 0 0 3 (+) 3
Rakha M / 40
  • Master Builder – Constructs structures and devices twice as fast
  • Gloomy Personality – Has permanently decreased Happiness
  • Cousin of Rita
0 5 (+) 2 2 (+) 0 0 (-) 3 2
Rita F / 29
  • Natural Curiosity – Has chance to field Observe unknown species during Expeditions
  • Cheerful Personality – Has permanently increased Happiness
  • Cousin of Rakha
3 0 1 (+) 1 6 (+) 2 3 1
Samantha F / 30
  • Engineer – 3x work speed when constructing devices or furniture
  • Vegetarian – Refuses to eat meat
5 1 (+) 0 2 0 2 6 1
Simon M / 33
  • Healthy – +100 Health; recovers Health twice as fast
  • Thrombophilia – Bleeding is permanently decreased by 5 Health per hour
  • Fast Walker – Movement speed is increased by 25%
2 0 (-) 2 2(+) 0 1 5 1
Talas M / 41
  • Hardworking – Has 25% more Movement speed and Manipulation efficiency
  • Healthy – +100 Health; recovers Health twice as fast
  • Glutton – Gets hungry 25% quicker
  • Brother of Daniel
3 1 0 (-) 2 0 2 5 3
Umayr M / 30
  • Agoraphobia – Has increased Manipulation efficiency and Happiness while inside, which are decreased outside
  • Son of Vivien
1 (+) 1 3 2 0 1 6 0
Vanessa F / 46
  • Impeccable Healer – Can’t fail a medical treatment
  • Musical Prodigy – Makes others Happy when playing music
  • Sickly – Recovers Health twice as slow
  • Wife of Grayson
0 0 1 1 (-) 0 5 2 1
Vivien F / 65
  • Avid Tailor – 4x work speed when Crafting stuff from fabrics or leather
  • Hemophobia – Can’t perform Healing tasks
  • Mother of Umayr
0 0 2 (+) 1 (+) 1 0 (x) 2 1
Yokko F / 68
  • Crafting Teacher – Occasionally improves the Crafting skill of others
  • Bloodlust – Gains Happiness when killing or observing death
  • Grandmother of Ken
0 0 (-) 3 4 (+) 1 (-) 4 2 0
Zander M / 34
  • Night owl – Gains Happiness when awake at night
  • Gloomy Personality – Has permanently decreased Happiness
  • Cousin of Nova
3 0 1 2 3 2 (-) 1 2


  • (+) – Interested in this Skill. Survivors will gain more experience performing Skills they are Interested in and will level them up faster.
  • (-) – Indifferent to this Skill. Survivors cannot go above Level 6 in an Indifferent Skill and they will gain a Trouble (Happiness debuff) whenever they perform it.
  • (x) – Incapable of this Skill. Will not perform this action under any circumstances.

Best Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivor Combination

The best Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivor Combination is Emelin, Greyson, Ken, and Vanessa. Here’s why:

  • Emelin’s “Exquisite Cook” Trait provides a solid Happiness boost every time a Survivor eats.
  • Greyson’s “Avid Carpenter” Trait lets you build early-game structures faster.
  • Ken’s “Experienced Scavenger” Trait will help you collect Scrap Metal throughout the game.
  • Vanessa’s “Impeccable Healer” Trait allows you to avoid wasting medical supplies.
  • Few downsides in Traits – Greyson’s “Slowpoke” Trait makes him 25% slower, but he’ll probably spend most of his time at the base Building and Crafting anyway. Vanessa’s “Sickly” Trait makes her take twice as long to recover Health, but you’ll have more healing supplies overall since her “Impeccable Healer” Trait allows you to avoid wasting them.
  • There are no “Incapable” Skills and only two “Indifferent” skills – Greyson is Indifferent to Combat and Vanessa is Indifferent to Crafting.
  • Greyson and Vanessa’s sham marriage is still a marriage and they gain a Happiness buff from sleeping next to each other. (They will, however, gain an equal Happiness debuff if they do not sleep next to each other.)

Here is how I set up their Activities:

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Guide - Activities

The only real weaknesses here are a relatively low Construction Skill (3) and a relatively low Farming Skill (also 3). However, both of these Skills will be built up pretty quickly in the early game if you have Greyson and Emelin focus on Construction and Farming, respectively.

As time goes on, you’ll want to diversify their skillsets. I tend to let Emelin handle the harvesting of Crops (where failure equals losing plants), but I let everyone else help with planting them. Ken tends to focus on gathering materials and exploring, but Emelin can chip in with that as well.

Of course, you may find a different Survivor team that better suits your playstyle. I recommend this combination for a first playthrough to allow you to get used to the game and its mechanics. Playing with some of the other Survivors — especially those with negative Traits — could prove to be a difficult challenge for new players.

That’s the end of our Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Guide, but there’s plenty more to learn about the game — check out our other guides below!

More Stranded: Alien Dawn Guides

Stranded: Alien Dawn Survivors Guide
Source: Pinay Guide Blog

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